





Steven Ballantyne EPM Asia Film TV Production Explorer


September - to present day - Location Manager - China/Tibet - BBC NHU 'Mountains'


September  - Location Consultant - October Films - Papua New Guinea


July/August 2015 - China Logistics Consultant - Bear Grylls 'Mission Survive' - produced by Betty TV

PM: Margaret Bowling


Feb/June 2015 (120 days shoot) -  Brian Leith Productions - Field Director/Logistics/Location Manager. China/Tibet
Wildlife Film - filming snow leopards -  Disney Nature - Producer: Phil Chapman/Brian Leith


Nov/Dec 2014 - Brian Leith Productions - Field Director/Logistics/Location Manager - 6 weeks on Location China/Tibet Wildlife film - filming chiru antelope - Disney Nature - Producer: Phil Chapman/Brian Lieth


Aug/Sep 2014 - Brian Leith Productions - Field Director/Location Manager - 5 weeks on Location -  China/Tibet Wild life film - Disney Nature - Producer: Phil Chapman/Brain Leith


June/July 2014 - Brian Leith Productions - Field Director/Location Manager - 7 weeks on Location - China/Tibet wildlife film Disney Nature - Producer: Phil Chapman/Brian Leith


May 2014 - Brian Leith Productions - pre shoot development/ Location Consultant - China/Tibet. wildlife film - Disney Nature - Director: Ben Wallis/Brian Leith


2014 - BBC Televison - Papua New Guinea - location management and research


2014 -  The Gamma Project  - Myanmar  - permits, permissions & logistical consultant - ‘Around The World By Train’ - Presenter: Chris Tarrant - Producer: Jeffery Morgan


2013/2014 -  Tigress Productions - Option contract with Tigress to take a program concept entitled ‘Tusk Hunters’ created by Steven Ballantyne to Discovery International - production concept was considered seriously by Discovery to the stage of planning a reconnaissance trip to Siberia - EPM arranged unique film permits in Siberia.
Producers: Steven Ballantyne & Dick Colthurst


2013 - National Geographic Television - Papua New Guinea - permits, permissions,

production/location management - various ocean and land locations across PNG

‘Ring of Fire’ - Producer: Chad Cohen


2013 - Coolfire Originals (USA) - Hong Kong - Location, permits, research, PM

‘Carvers’ - TV pilot - 2 week prep & shoot


2013 - Paradiso Filmmakers (Israel) - Hong Kong - location management, research, fixer

TV Fashion commercial - 3 week prep & shoot


2013 - Zig Zag Productions (UK) - Hong Kong episode - location management & fixer

National Geographic TV series - Travellers Tales - 3 week prep & shoot


2013 - Harmonics Inc (USA) - Corporate production - Myanmar

research/film permit application/management/local resource management/filming advice

2013 - New production for National Geographic filming tribes and wildlife on the ‘Red List’ - Various

Asia locations - research and content development. Director: Tim Noonan